April Gardening Tips

It’s almost that time of the year again. April is upon us and you know what that means. It’s time to break out your tools and go to work on your garden. As always, we were forced to wait for Mother Nature to keep up as Spring rolls around while snow may still be on the ground in some areas. However, don’t let this fool you. Underneath that cold earth is a nutrient rich canvas waiting to be plowed and filled with beautiful plants. Here are some tips to follow when gardening in April. First, plan for the rest of...
Springing into Bloom: Essential Garden Care Tips

As the frost of winter retreats and the promise of spring looms, gardeners across the United States prepare to coax their gardens back to life. However, the diverse climates spanning the country mean that early spring garden care varies widely. In this blog, we'll explore universal garden care tips tailored to suit the spectrum of climates found across the United States, ensuring that your garden blossoms beautifully regardless of where you plant your roots. 1. Soil Preparation: Regardless of your climate, early spring is the perfect time to prepare your soil. Test its pH and amend accordingly. Incorporate organic matter,...
Starting Seedings Indoors to Kick Start Your Garden

Starting seedlings indoors has many benefits for gardeners and can increase the productivity and variety of your garden. It's not difficult, but does take some special considerations to be sure the seedlings can thrive both indoors and when they are transplanted. Why Start Seeds Indoors? Starting seeds indoors is a great idea for gardeners to… Satisfy winter gardening urges when outdoor gardens are not available. Extend the growing season in northern areas. Add garden variety by enjoying produce that needs more growing time. Enjoy an earlier harvest with staggered seedling plantings. Save money by buying seeds rather than plants. Choose...
Pet Food Automatic Containers – Pros and Cons

Automatic pet food dispensers can be easy and convenient for feeding your pets, but they're not right for every pet's dietary needs. Understanding the pros and cons of these devices can help you decide if one can be suitable to feed your pet. About Automatic Pet Food Containers There are several different styles of automatic pet food dispensers and containers. Some are basic dishes over multiple feeding areas with covers that retract, lift up or otherwise release on a preprogrammed schedule to allow your pet to access the food. Others are larger tubs, jars or containers of food that will...
Your Aging Horse: Winter Horse Care

Winter can be a stressful season even for a horse in its prime. Older horses are even more vulnerable and need some special care considerations to stay healthy and comfortable through the winter. How Senior Horses Have Different Needs It can be difficult to decide when an individual horse has reached its senior years. Just how healthy a horse is, how hard it has worked, what care it has received, where it lives, and the general stresses of life all contribute to a horse’s age beyond the calendar, but in general any horse age 15 or older is considered a...